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Tag: poetry

  • 12 Greatest Rhyme Schemes with Examples

    12 Greatest Rhyme Schemes with Examples

    Behind every great piece of poetry lies an underlying structure that governs the sound relationships between lines. Known as the rhyme scheme, it provides the framework upon which the poet crafts their lyrical masterpiece. Today, we will explore common rhyme schemes with examples in literature to see how authors from the past have cleverly come…

  • Why is Geoffrey Chaucer Called The Father of English Poetry?

    Why is Geoffrey Chaucer Called The Father of English Poetry?

    About Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer was an English author, poet and bureaucrat who is widely considered the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages. He lived from around 1343 to 1400 CE. His works inspired a generation of famous authors including William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and such. Why is Geoffrey Chaucer Called The Father of…